
I am fractured
the world of difference
between what you think
of the past few years,
the test of your choice.
The only thing
that you can forget
about me
and the words of woe I spin.
Writing to ask for your help
but wonder if you miss me
so much
you can forget
about the future
of this affliction.
When suns stop rising
And worlds collide
Yours is free
and easy to find.
If the answer is yes
then why don’t you think
you are looking for
a new place to start?

I will never forget
that you are sorry
for the knives you’ve used
to slice up my mind.
The best part
of the past
is a tumble of us
and nothing else.

The best part
about being in your absence
isn’t the same
as when we were together.
I keep waiting
for something amazing
to see if you’re alive
and when the sun is red
and we can travel
these roads together
with the sound of your voice.
Words are your thoughts
and prayers are my destination
for every journey.
And here are the only ways
you can forget me so easily.
If you write me
when you are near
the end of this ancient room.
It hovers & surrounds
the world of difference
between what we do not have.


I read an article about this guy who wrote a song using his phone’s suggested words. I’ve thought about doing a poem like this and after seeing that article, I decided to go for it. It doesn’t make much sense, but it was interesting.

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