Love letters

Originally posted on Anchor & Star:
I found all the old letters I wrote for you and never sent There was, and remains, So much to say And I know that there are still lines that haven’t left my heart Not for paper, or ear; for fear of rejection Has kept them sequestered These old…

Addiction (or What I Cannot Have)

I’m so jealous that I can’t think straight and I don’t even know if it’s jealousy really but I know I ache for places that you’ve been or seen like bridges and oceans and people who get to hold you or feel you when I never will. My hands shake with wanting and your face […]

Paper and Drawers

These tattered sheets are more than blank pages, more than white space or drawer-filling junk. They are possibility, potential. They are opportunities for release and chances for existence to blossom with a scratch of this pen. Sheets bound by threads of metal spiraling up their spines, they are stories waiting to be told and poems […]