So Much Left

I have so much left to say to you. The words bleed from veins I never knew I had and the ache radiates like earthquakes under my skin. My faultlines are migrating into unknown waters, and canyons, mountains, nothing but difference is left. I’m cracking. Can you see me shatter? Can you feel these burning […]

Glass and Spray Paint

I shatter, glass pieces beneath your feet, while I watch you tattoo the world with your pain. Empty eyes stare from shattered frames, collecting sorrows as they drift by. I’ve carved my love all over the world hoping you’d chance by and remember why you loved me. Tattooed walls and pain lying naked in the […]

Fate’s Crumbling Grip

Slipping, slipping,  like rain  through shingles,  and shuddering,  falling in between the slats,  pecking at the window glass,  asking to come in,  to walk around,  to stay awhile.  “Welcome,” I say,  and suddenly  lines are undrawn  and stars become uncrossed  so that lovers might love  in spite of the rules written  in the sky  on […]

Road Trip

Sometimes when I’m driving, I pretend I’m on a road trip, in a foreign state or town. I imagine the houses are different and new, like something I’ve never seen. I drive down familiar roads with the windows down, wind swirling my hair into a tornado-mess, and the music up, bass thrumming through my bones. […]

I Am Not in Love With You

I’m not in love with you. Fractured glimpses, microseconds of knowing and memories of your laugh. Five minute conversations and text message innuendo, two weeks of perfect days. No, I am not in love with you. I am in love with this– dirty window goodbyes, blue waves, and reggae music, steel drums and your arms […]