
Things have changed. Of course they have. Things change just as things fall apart. It’s inevitable or whatever. It’s skin turned to bone turned to dust on winds that change mountains into stone and stone into dust that settles to become more stones to protect bodies made of bone and skin. We change. We evolve. […]


When I think of June, I think of you. Those hot days on your back porch, you on a ladder painting the side of the house, me sitting on the stairs in my panties watching the sun turn you golden. I think of kissing those tiny circles, one after another, floating behind your ear and […]

Can’t Be

Wounds can’t be covered. Scars tear at the sides of your mouth wrenching your lips into smiles, those plastic kinds that ooze fake joy. Wounds can’t be hidden. No matter your lengths to hide, the rot squirms under your skin, boiling your insides in panic and salt. Wounds can’t be erased. There is no disinfectant […]


Rain clouds drift in slate skies threatening to drench us in its tears. The pine trees wave, falter, dance in the wind, their branches shaking free, dropping needles into the crisp fall air. The storm begins, thunder crashing, breaking the quiet, not knowing the rain has been falling from my liquid heart for years. ~Patience


Heart torn in four pieces. Atriums and ventricles beating apart, distance seen through cracks held together by thread, tiny sinews clutching at the shards of a once beating muscle meant for all the love. Breaking, shattering when whole is needed instead of real. Four knives ripping my flesh, the blood which makes life, the possibility […]


Deviantart.com, DigiZCP My tears won’t recede from my eyes the way the sea leaves the shore. They pool in egg-shaped patches where my knees once begged you to stay. They fill empty cups of coffee-stained tables where you drew pictures of Christmas and held my hand to your heart while we slept. The tears won’t […]